Featured, General, Politics

MCA vs the World

Post CSL-LGE debate, MCA found itself in a mega predicament. Firstly, comments around coffeeshops and the Internet showed that MCA lost the plot at the debate when it thought it fitting to "cheat". Not only the MCA crowd were all seated in the front and were given priorities to ask questions during the Q &… Continue reading MCA vs the World

Featured, General, Politics

Jessie Ooi doing further disservice to her image

These days, values are taking to the back seats to give way to saving party and personal "face". Ms. Jessie Ooi of the MCA who recently made headlines for all the wrong reasons, including to slander the Penang State local authorities, refused to bulge with a simple apology, and instead chose to bend and twist… Continue reading Jessie Ooi doing further disservice to her image

Bahasa Malaysia, Featured, General, Politics

PRESS: Pegawai MCA lantikkan Kerajaan Pusat buat kenyataan fitnah dan menghasut terhadap PBT

This is my press statement against the accusation of Ms. Jessie Ooi, MCA-BN's Parliamentary Coordinator for Selayang who said that 1) Penang local authorities raised assessment rate after 308 and burdened the people and 2) she personally saw cars parked illegally on the road are being towed by the local authorities after 10.30pm. Chinese translation… Continue reading PRESS: Pegawai MCA lantikkan Kerajaan Pusat buat kenyataan fitnah dan menghasut terhadap PBT

General, Politics

PRESS: 促请对地方政府发出带有毁谤及煽动性言论的马华协调员黄糩璊公开道歉

Versi Bahasa Melayu di sini. 2012年2月18日|大山脚 身为槟城地方政府(PBT)市议员,我对马华士拉央区协调员黄糩璊所发出的以下言论感到非常失望: 槟城地方政府自从308执政之后提高门牌税; 地方政府执法人员在晚上10时30分之后,取缔违例停泊的汽车。 她是于周六下午在吉隆坡成功酒店,槟城首席部长林冠英及马华总会长拿督斯里蔡细历,主题为《王者之辩》的辩论会问与答环节,发表以上以上的带有煽动及毁谤的言论。 针对她第一项类似国阵文化的毁谤性“指责”,有关说法是完全不正确的,因为槟城地方政府自2008年3月8日后,就不曾提高门牌税。 而她的第二项据说在晚上10时30分后,曾经两度亲眼看见地方政府执法人员取缔违例泊车的“指控”,更对履行职责的地方政府执法人员,直接作出攻击。倘若她的言论属实,那么这也间接认可槟城民联政府所领导的地方政府属下工作的执法人员,为了确保人民的舒适与安全不辞劳苦工作的贡献。 黄糩璊的言论不仅彻底磨灭地方政府执法人员所作出的贡献,更不尊重他们所扮演的角色与贡献,甚至还误导人民无需在下班时间之后遵守条规。 由此可见,马华公会以及马华领袖并不尊重法治精神,并且还把晚上违反地方政府条例一举合法化。 身为一名马华领袖兼雪兰莪州士拉央区协调员,黄糩璊竟然发出对地方政府工作范围如此无知的言论,因此,她必须对针对本身所作出不确实的指控,对槟城地方政府下的槟城市议会及威省市议会属下工作的所有员工以及市议员公开道歉。 沈志强 威省市议会(MPSP)市议员